The last week of February was for EDF Côte d'Ivoire a week dedicated to the Renewable Energy Technologies and Entrepreneurship Master's degree, known as the ETRE Master's degree, a partnership between X (Ecole Polytechnique de Paris) and INPHB (Institut National Polytechnique Houphouët-Boigny).

On February 27, Mr. Mahamane Sow, EDF's Regional Director for West Africa, met the 50 students of the third graduating class of which he is the patron. Alongside the heads of training at X and INP-HB, they discussed EDF's training and projects in Africa.


On March 1, at the Résidence de France in Abidjan, the students of the first class received their diplomas in the presence of Mr. Adama Diawara, Minister of Technical Education, and the Representative of the Minister of Energy, Mr. Mamadou Sangafowa.
Committed to local content, EDF West Africa is the main industrial sponsor of the master's program, with 7 scholarships awarded to the first class.


To date, 3 scholarship holders have joined EDF West Africa's teams of nearly 500 employees.

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